A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 7
Ombudsman Ger Deering’s Report
A 10 year delay in providing transport supports for people with
disabilities is ‘shameful’ – Says Ger Deering, Ombudsman and
Information Commissioner for Ireland
to live independently and participate fully
in society. The Ombudsman said that the
current situation for people with disabilities is
unfair and unacceptable.
Ombudsman Ger Deering has said that it
is ‘shameful’ that there is still no suitable
government support to help people with
disabilities access personal transport. This
is despite a commitment from government
over ten years ago to develop an appropriate
scheme, and reports from two government
departments highlighting the need for such
Speaking at the publication of his Annual
Report Ger Deering said:
“The manner in which people with disabilities
continue to be denied access to personal
transport supports is nothing short of
shameful. Everyone agrees that something
needs to be done but no one seems to be
willing to take action”.
Under the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, there is
an onus on the Irish government to provide
access to transportation on an equal basis
with others to enable people with disabilities
The Ombudsman referred to issues with three
schemes - the Motorised Transport Grant, the
Mobility Allowance, and the Disabled Drivers
and Disabled Passengers scheme. When
Mr Deering’s predecessors as Ombudsman
highlighted inequities in the schemes, the
response of government was either to
discontinue the schemes, or in the case of the
Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers
scheme, to reinforce the inequitable and
inadequate eligibility criteria in primary
legislation. In addition, the latter scheme has
not had an appeals mechanism in place since
November 2021.
In 2013, the then government announced
that it would introduce an alternative to
the Motorised Transport Grant and Mobility
Allowance schemes. However, over ten
years later nothing has happened. Both
the Department of Finance (October 2022),
and the Department of Children, Equality,
Disability, Integration and Youth (February
2023), have published reports on the issue
but there has been no progress.
The Ombudsman said:
“We do not need more committees or reports,
we need clear leadership and action. I will
continue to highlight this shameful neglect
until real progress is achieved.”