A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 5
The 昀椀rst phase during which a consultancy
昀椀rm, Indecon, reviewed the existing scheme
and required much general statistical data and
process information from DDAI is now almost
complete. We also had the opportunity to raise
issues that need to be addressed. The second
phase will involve engagement with stakeholders
(permit holders and those advocating to permit
holders) and should begin in the new year. In
parallel, work has been ongoing at European
level in relation to the European Disabilities Card
and the EU Model Disabled Person’s Parking
Permit. In relation to the Parking Permit, thus far
we think the changes re昀氀ect aspects already
policy in Ireland that are being extended Europewide (e.g. the presence of a photo)
Another major change in DDAI was to withdraw
support for Ability Enterprises after more than
40 years of operation. Over that period, Ability
Enterprises provided an evolving range of
vocational courses for person’s with a disability.
In the 1990-2005 period. Ability Enterprises
had a European focus and was also involved in
a number of research projects with European
partners and student exchanges with other EU
and third countries. At its peak, there were tens
of students in Ballindine attending day and
residential courses. Since that peak of activity,
Ability Enterprises has seen a gradual drop
in numbers and not necessarily for negative
reasons. Ability Enterprises residential students
from across the country bene昀椀tted from an
expansion in services available locally. There was
an improvement in the facilitation of a person
with a disability in mainstream services. This
decline in student numbers has been re昀氀ected in
specialist training providers generally. Therefore,
the directors 昀椀nally agreed that this aspect of
our work had come to its conclusion and it was
time to focus on areas where resources could
be deployed more productively. I would like to
thank all the people in Ability Enterprises who
led and supported the activities over the many
years, some sadly no longer with us, those many
individuals and their respective State agencies
who were partners in Ability’s work but most of
all to our students and graduates. Your success
has been our success.
Shopmobility has continued to re-invigorate
and complete a year without interruption. There
has been a steady increase in our hire services
and our patrons has have appreciated the small
but relevant range of products that can be
purchased in several of our units. We are working
on improving our 昀椀nancial model to enable us to
o昀昀er a service more widely around the country.
Richard Ryder has worked in our units for several
days recently and again heard expressed the
great bene昀椀t people feel the service o昀昀ers them.
Richard has also been involved in the extension
of the DDAI Space昀椀nder app throughout our local
authorities. Already in place in Limerick and Dun
Laoghaire Rathdown, we are expecting that more
local authorities will facilitate permit holders
being able to check the availability of accessible
parking spaces before they make their journey
and travel in the reasonable expectation of being
able to park.
I began by thanking our members for their
contribution to our research at the beginning
of the year. This is the kind of structured
consultation we expect to continue. We welcome
your suggestions on the questions that need
asking and your response is essential to our
planning the work we will do for you.
I wish you all a safe and a peaceful Christmas
and you New year in which we will de昀椀nitely be
looking forward.
Kenneth Fox