A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 27
The Healing
‘In what way?’ he demanded.
‘Talk gets in the way of intuitive energy,’ she replied.
‘So Bob says’.
For the 昀椀rst time since they had met, Noel laughed.
It was such a full-bodied laugh that this time it was
Ellen who was surprised. It was as if she had touched
some pressure point that unblocked the channels
of mirth. ‘Well if Bob says it then it must be true,’ he
Before she knew it he had started on another kind
of massage on her. His hands cupped parts of her
body, tightened on those parts, then suddenly his
hands released their hold. He electri昀椀ed her as he
had 昀椀fteen years ago. But her body responded to his
touch as if it were only yesterday. ‘Good old Bob’ said
Ellen. They both laughed.
When he was satiated, he fell asleep. His face was
昀氀ushed. She lay quietly by his side. His snores didn’t
disturb her. Gradually, Ellen felt as if she was drifting.
Whatever Noel had done, he had removed gigantic
weights that he been holding her down. Weightless,
she 昀氀oated away on a cloud of well-being. She felt
healed. Suddenly he sat up in the bed and with his
eyes still closed, said clearly, ‘I love you Colette.’ Then
he lay down again. Ellen came awake. Maybe Colette
was his daughter. No, Dessie had said that it was sons
only that Angela had had. Ellen looked at the man
snoring beside her, the man who had just massaged
the most intimate parts of her body. Whatever way
he lay on the pillow, his toupee had gone askew. A
light coming in through the window gleamed on
his bald pate. Ellen blinked. She didn’t see him as
a healer anymore. It didn’t need much intuition to
tell her that he was nothing but a quack. No wonder
his wife was on tranquillisers. Ellen recalled all the
times he had infuriated her. He had picked his nose
in her presence; he had never wiped o昀昀 his highwater marks in the bath; then there was the time he
had bummed into a dinner dance and had acted the
‘big-shot’, smoking cigars and calling the waiter ‘boy’,
while clicking his 昀椀ngers at him; the 昀椀rst time she had
taken him to her parent’s home in the West, he had
gawked about him; he had asked personal questions
of strangers.
The gist of it was that she had left her better
judgement at the cattle-grid. She didn’t want any of
his mangy unfaithfulness. She put on her pyjamas.
‘Angela’s husband! Wake up! Wake up!’ she shrieked,
shaking his long, scrawny body.
‘Shush!’ he whispered, mustering the power to sit.
‘Don’t you shush me,’ she said. ‘This happens to
be my mattress. I don’t want to share it with you or
Colette.’ ‘Colette! What do you know about Colette?’
His voice trembled with shock. ‘And bring this with
you when you’re leaving’. Ellen held out the wig from
her as if she were holding a dead rat. Noel grabbed
the hairpiece. Breathing heavily, he pulled on his
trousers and left. Ellen locked the door and 昀椀xed the
In the darkness she bawled her eyes out. Mixed
through her tears was a feeling of relief. Whatever
else Intuitive Massage might do for her, it had cured
her of one long standing ailment.
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car adaptations for the disabled
Based in the West of Ireland
Located in Galway, “Ken Carroll
Adaptations” adapts most makes of
cars and vans for drivers or passengers with physical disabilities.
Our service list includes;
Swivel seats, push and
pull hand controls,
Infra red steering
wheel spinners, Left
foot accelerators,
Wheelchair accessible vehicle adaptations, boot hoists, child
seats and safety harnesses .
Ken Carroll Adaptations
Cloonacauneen, Claregalway, Co. Galway
For a consultation or advice
T: 091 798 098 • M: 087 250 2923
E: kencarrolladaptations@gmail.com
NSAI Approved