A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 23
Shopmobility Ireland
Shopmobility provides a free loan scheme service
of manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, and
mobility scooters to people with limited mobility for
use within Dundrum Town Centre, Blanchardstown
Shopping Centre, Li昀昀ey Valley Shopping Centre
and Whitewater Shopping Centre in Newbridge, Co.
The services are supported by the centres through
a unit within the centre and 昀椀nancial support. The
service generates income from the short term
rental of wheelchairs and mobility scooters , sales
of mobility aids, and donations. The service is
used by over 3,000 members annually and is very
popular with the user group. Other than the direct
bene昀椀t to the service users, the services set a
standard for access and mobility for all shopping
While there is no charge to use the service within
the Shopping Centres, we hire Manual Wheelchairs
from €35 per week and Small Mobility Scooters
starting at €100 per week for those wishing to take
on holiday or for use at home.