A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 22
Judge by ability, not disability
Seniors Alert Scheme
The Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS) has been
established to encourage community support for
vulnerable older people in our communities. It
provides funding for a personal monitored alarm,
connected to a contact centre to enable older
persons of 65 or older and of limited means,
to continue to live securely in their homes with
con昀椀dence, independence and peace of mind.
A person will be eligible for an alarm if he or she is:
• Aged 65 years or older
• Of limited means or resources
• Living alone, living with another person who
meets the eligibility criteria, Living alone for
signi昀椀cant periods of time during the day, or is
a Carer to someone else in their household
• Resides within geographical area of the
relevant registered organisation
• Able to bene昀椀t from the equipment supplied
• Prepared to maintain contact with the
registered organisation.
The Scheme is funded by the Department of
Rural and Community Development via Pobal with
equipment made available through community,
voluntary and not-for-pro昀椀t organisations registered
with Pobal under the SAS.
To 昀椀nd out more about the scheme contact:
Pobal Online Support:
T: 01 511 7222
T: onlinesupport@pobal.ie
Opening hours:
Monday – Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 10am – 5pm
Thursday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Motorway Driving in France,
Spain & Portugal
If you are travelling abroad in your own vehicle and are on your own (or even if you are with someone) paying
tolls can be a problem as you are in a right had drive vehicle. A Tollbird box works on all highways in Italy,
France, Spain and Portugal. Once you pass a tolling plaza, your box will beep and the barrier opens for you.
The box itself is powered by a battery with
a seven year lifespan. Once you pass a
tolling plaza, your box will beep and the
barrier opens for you. Tollbird receives your
transactions and we charge those against
your payment method. You can use the
box in your car, or associate it temporarily
with another license plate. The company
is currently working on a digital solution for
Austria, Slovenia and other European countries
as well. https://www.tollbird.com/en