A59521 DDAI SteeringWheel23 - Flipbook - Page 13
DDAI 3 Year Strategic Plan
It is with great pleasure that the Board
of Disabled Drivers Association of
Ireland (DDAI) presents to you the
Strategic Plan for the years 2024– 2026.
The 昀椀rst year of the plan, 2024, will
mark the 54th anniversary of Disabled
Driver’s Association of Ireland.
It is hard to imagine that the small group of people
who came together in 1970 could have envisioned the
organisation being as strong and vibrant as it is today.
This is due in no small measure to the hard work
and dedication of the sta昀昀, volunteers and Board of
the DDAI down through the years, not forgetting the
signi昀椀cant contribution of the members themselves.
So, I would like to dedicate this strategic plan to the
founding members Martin Donoghue, Patrick Grogan
and Ann Moroney who came together to strive to
improve their lives and those of others.
We have sought the views of members, their families,
sta昀昀 and the members of the Board to ensure that
the plan accurately re昀氀ects a shared vision for DDAI’s
future and our priorities up to and including the year
2023. I wish to thank everyone involved for their
contributions to and their patience with the process
in the preparation of this strategic plan. People with
disabilities in Ireland continue to face problems of
isolation, socially and economically, just as they
did over 50 years ago when the organisation was
founded. We especially welcome the rati昀椀cation
of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on 7th March
2018. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is an international
human rights treaty, which exists to promote, protect
and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms by all disabled
persons. I would also like to remind you of our mission
statement where, “The Disabled Drivers Association
of Ireland takes care to present physical disability in
the best possible light and strives to show that most
physical disabilities can be overcome and individuals
can go on to achieve their full potential, with the
bene昀椀t of support and training”.
2024-2026 STRATEGY
With the help of the strategic plan we can strive
and plan to protect what we have already earned
and fought for in terms of being part of the wider
community. Whether this is when we are dealing with
the Revenue Commissioners, purchasing vehicles or
when consulting with local authorities on improving
accessible parking spaces. Through our Shopmobility
service where we can match our products with
needs of clients with the help of our dedicated
team. It would be impossible to put this plan into
action without the dedicated sta昀昀 team whose input
and work have been invaluable to this process. We
will continue to invest in relationships and we will
value and prioritise communications with all our
stakeholders. I believe this strategic plan provides the
structure for the organisation to develop so that it can
provide the best possible service to all our members.
This strategic plan is a living document and its
implementation will be overseen and regularly
reviewed by the Board to ensure it remains viable,
relevant and sustainable into the future.
Chairperson DDAI
Seamus Reidy
The next 6 pages layout the 5 Strategic Priorities as agreed by the
DDAI Board. The full Strategic Plan will be published in January 2024.