Adult Services Prospectus 20232024 - Flipbook - Page 25
Next steps
If you are interested in finding out more about accessing our Adult Services, our
friendly admissions team are on hand to help.
Your first step would be to get in touch for an informal chat or to book a tour
with our admissions team. You do not have to disclose personal information on
an individual at this stage, but the more information we know the better
informed we can be when we come to meet you.
If you would like to go ahead with putting forward an application, we will ask for
a copy of the individual's Care Plan and any other supporting documents.
Before considering a placement, we will need to have seen or met the
individual so we can assess whether or not we can meet their needs. If putting
together an application yourself, please inform your local authority and the
named adult's social worker so they are aware.
We understand that many families are looking for reassurance and support
through what can be a difficult and stressful time. We are proud to offer a very
personal approach, and provide consistency and strong communication
throughout the entire admissions process - we will always do as much as we
can to support you.
T: 01279 843451 (Ext. 415)
Did you know?
You can also fill out a
'Book a Visit' request on
our website!