MATERIALS.BCI COTTONThe Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is aglobal non-profit organization thatworks to ensure cotton production moresustainable. Better Cotton Initiative isthe largest cotton sustainability programin the world, and we’re proud to beusing cotton that’s sustainably grown.“Hemingway mattresses aremade with materials that aredesigned to work in tandem todeliver exceptional comfort,pressure relief & support.TALALAY LATEXOur natural latex mattress is created with100% natural TALALAY latex sourced fromrubber trees. All of the latex we sourceadheres to the Rainforest Alliance protocol,which means it is certified to adhere to strictsocial, environmental, and economicstandards. It’s hypoallergenic. breathable.odor free. eco-friendly and it is naturallyresistant to mold, mildew, bacteria and dustmites and doesn’t off-gas.· Natural Talalay Latex: Our 100%··· FSC® Certified Latex - This certificateguarantees that products with the FSCcertificate are produced with materialsfrom responsibly managed forests andprovides transparency and traceabilitythroughout the whole process.Vita Talalay pure natural latex foam rubber··Natural Talalay Latex goes througha washing process to remove allallergy-casing proteins, so all youare left with is pure natural sleepcomfort.Our Natural Talalay Latex is free oftoxic chemicals, emissions, andpollutants.Talalay Latex provides a firm, bodycontouring comfort layer that allowsheat to dissipate. Micro-perforationsthroughout the entire latex layer forextreme breathability.Talalay Latex is naturallyhypoallergenic, resistant to mold,mildew and dust mites and doesn’toff-gas.OEKO-TEX® Certified TalalayTARGETED SUPPORT SYSTEMNATURAL TALALAY LATEXDenser Talalay Latex in thecenter-third offers more supportfor the heaviest part of yourbody, where you need it mostwhile adding optimaltemperature control.
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