SOCRA 2024 Annual Conference Program Book - Flipbook - Page 37
Moderator: Annette Oeser, BS, MLAS, CCRP
Moderators: John Petrich, MS, RPh
Joanne Goldberg, MSc, pht, GCBA, CCRP
Sat., Sept 28 1:40 to 2:25
Track: Ethics in Research
Is the Investigator Ultimately Responsible?
Ms. Lloyd will present a case study where not only the PI
was held accountable, but the entire study team was
also. Hear what happened to a research organization
who entered into agreements with pharmaceutical
companies' sponsors, to conduct clinical trials of
pharmaceutical drugs for public consumption, and then
choose not to follow applicable FDA regulations and
other standards set by the sponsoring agencies. 125
Presenter: Wendy Lloyd, BA, CCRP, LPN, Senior Clinical
Research Quality Analyst-Education, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center
Saturday, September 28, 8:30 to 10:05 am
Finalists are afforded two to three minutes to
present their poster, followed by a Q+A session
with interested attendees and the selection
The presenter with the highest aggregate score
among abstract, poster, and Q&A session for
each of the two categories (management and
clinical trials) is awarded $500 and a fee waived
registration to the 2025 Annual Conference to
the primary author
Special recognition awards will be announced
(and awarded) at the beginning of the Sunday
morning closing plenary session
Moderator: Annette Oeser, BS, MLAS, CCRP
Sat., Sept 28 10:50 to 11:35
Track: Ethics in Research
Ethical Considerations for Sham Surgery in Clinical
Research Trials for Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Ms. McCormick will share a background and literature
review regarding ethical conflicts and confusion related
to sham surgery in clinical research trials for Parkinson's
disease. Arguments in favor of sham surgery as a control
and arguments against sham surgery will be discussed.
Presenter: Margaret McCormick, MS, RN, CNE, Professor
Emeritus, Clinical Associate Professor, Nursing, Towson
Sat., Sept 28 11:40 to 12:25
Track: Ethics in Research
Pediatric Biobanking
Biobanking refers to the collection of biological samples
and information that provide important resources for
translational research. Pediatric biobanking poses unique
ethical challenges, including general vulnerability,
balancing risks and benefits, return of results and
secondary findings as well as legal and societal issues.
Recent literature will be reviewed. 123
Presenter: Mary Cataletto, MD, FAAP, FCCP, Editor-in-Chief,
Pediatric Allergy Immunology & Pulmonology
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Sat., Sept 28 2:30 to 3:15
Track: Ethics in Research
Ethical Inclusion Versus Exploitation: Including
Vulnerable Populations in Clinical Research
Ms. Oeser will use the concepts of respect for persons,
beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice while
reviewing research scenarios to identify ways to ethically
include diverse and vulnerable study participants.127
Presenter: Annette Oeser, BS, MLAS, CCRP,
Clinical/Translational Research Coordinator III, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center
Sat., Sept 28 3:45 to 4:30
Track: Ethics in Research
Returning Genetic Testing Results in Research: Ethical
Considerations and Logistics
Ms. Helvaty will discuss the ethical considerations and
logistics related to deciding whether and how to return
research-based genetic testing results to study
participants. Discussion points will include an overview
of genetic testing, current policy, consent language, and
what results could be returned and who should return
results. 129
Presenter: Lindsey Helvaty, BA, BS, CCRP, Senior Clinical
Research Leader, CV Genetics Program, Indiana University
School of Medicine
Sat., Sept 28 4:35 to 5:20
Track: Ethics in Research
The Changing Ethics of Informed Consent and
Biospecimens in Clinical Research
Ms. Snoddy will outline the historic background of
informed consent for biospecimen collection and
banking, discussing the current consent procedures for
biorepositories including the 2018 Common Rule update,
and dive into what the future looks like for the
advancement of biospecimen research. 131
Presenter: Casey Snoddy, BS, CCRP, Project Manager,
Indiana University School of Medicine