Water rescue rope16 STRANDCONSTRUCTIONPolypropylene H 2 0Rescue RopePelican’s polypropylene rope is a favoriteamong water rescue professionals. Its 100%polypropylene cover and core make it easyto handle and its vivid yellow color providesexcellent visibility.SKUDIAMETERINCHESTENSILESTRENGTHLBSWEIGHTPER 100 FTLBS3P-12Y3/8”3,0003.43P-14Y7/16”3,3004.7BENEFITSIDEAL FORLightweightBuoyantHigh VisibilityNubby, Excellent GripCONSTRUCTION 16 StrandCOVER PolypropyleneFALL PROTECTIONSAFETY/RESCUEOPERATIONSCORE Polypropylene1-800-464-76739CLIMBING & RESCUE ROPE // Water RescueFamily Code: 3P
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