CLIMBING & RESCUE ROPE // static kernmantle life linesFamily Code: 2WPSTATIC MASTERTMKERNMANTLECONSTRUCTIONSTATIC KERNMANTLERAPPELLING ROPEPelican Rope’s static kernmantle featuresa tough, chemical resistant polyester coverover a non-rotational, parallel nylon core;making it ideal for rappelling and safety/rescue operations.Static kernmantle allows little stretch whilethe nylon core provides energy absorption.Its firm braid is flexible enough to be tied andpassed over pulleys and sheaves with ease.Steam setting eliminates cover over coreslippage.Rope includes waterproof ID tape. ULCertified to NFPA 1983-2017 editionstandards and vertical lifeline componentsper ANSI Z359.15-2014.NFPA & ANSI certified sewn eyes available upon request.Color OptionsSKUDIAMETERINCHESMIN. BREAKSTRENGTHLBSWEIGHTPER 100 FTLBSNFPA2WP-123/8”6,2144.6Technical2WP-147/16”7,6525.7Technical2WP-161/2”9,9017.5General•2WP-205/8”11,04610.8General•ANSIBENEFITSAwesome Static LineBuilt to Withstand Rugged Outdoor Conditions“I took this rope out for rappelling. It has a nice stiff line withgood braking. I’ve only used it for a few runs down the rockso far, but so far I like it very much.”-Michael S., Bend, OregonAll Ropes Quality and Strength TestedGuaranteed Excellent PerformanceLow StretchExcellent Grip FeatureCONSTRUCTION Static KernmantleCOVER PolyesterCORE NylonIDEAL FORFALL PROTECTION4SAFETY/
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