REMOVABLE CHAFE GEARProtect your lines from wear point abrasiononly like Chafe Master’s™ Removablechafe gear can! It is made of Mil-Spec 1050ballistic nylon and can be easily removedand installed. This removable chafe gearis durable and easy to install, it is the mostpopular choice for mooring lines and towing.Available lengths: 2’, 3’ or 4’.BENEFITSEasy Installation and Removal for InspectionMil-Spec Extreme Hook & Loop ClosureHeavy Urethane Coating Adds ProtectionField-Tested and Proven Abrasion ResistanceMaximum UV ProtectionWater and Oil ResistantIDEAL FORMOORINGSKUGUARDOUTSIDEDIAMETERINCHESCIRCUMFERENCEINCHESFLATWIDTHLBSCHF-REM-1.01.00”3.14”3.89”CHF-REM-1.251.25”3.92”4.67”CHF-REM-2.02.00”6.28”7.78”ROPE ACCESSORIES // CHAFE GEARFamily Code: CHF-REMTOWING LINES1-800-464-767327
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