3 STRANDCONSTRUCTIONVertical Life Line3 Strand VerticalLife LineStay protected with the highest quality rope.Our vertical life line is one of the toughest andwell-known vertical life lines available today.Pelican’s 3 strand rope life lines have thedurability required on the job, while remaininglightweight and allowing for a comfortablegrip. It also provides good protection againstabrasion and is energy absorbent. This highquality rope is made in the United States andis ANSI Z359.1-2007 certified.Each life line is equipped with an ANSIZ359.1-2007 compliant double locking safetysnap hook. Swivel snap hook or carabineralso available.Available lengths:25’, 50’, 75’, 100’, 150’, 200’, 300’, 350’, and600’.BENEFITSSKUDIAMETERINCHESTENSILESTRENGTHLBSLYTP-2005/8”9,000IDEAL FOREconomicalLow StretchAbrasion ResistantAssemblies & Lanyards // VERTICAL LIFELINESFamily Code: LYTPCONSTRUCTION 3 StrandCOVER PolyesterSAFETY LINES1-800-464-7673RIGGING LINESUTILITY LINES23
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