Assemblies & Lanyards // LANYARDSFamily Code: LY3KMbetter grab 3positioning lanyardKERNMANTLECONSTRUCTIONWith unmatched durability built for tower andpole climbing work, this lanyard features:•ProClimb™ Better Grab Removable RopeGrab.°°°°°°°°••••Stainless steel coreErgonomic, rubberized coverAnodized aluminum camLarge thumb rest for precise control7/16”, 1/2”, 5/8” Static Master™ lanyardin lengths of: 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ or 15’.ThimbleChafe Master™ protective abrasionsleeve.Variety of end options to choose from(see table for more details).This lanyard is ANSI Z359.3 & OSHA 1910 /1926 compliant.WARNING: Work positioning lanyard only. Not for fall arrest.COLOR OptionsSKUDIAMETERINCHESLYK3M-147/16”ANSI Aluminum Snap HookAALYK3M-161/2”Aluminum Twist-Lock CarabinerATLYK3M-204Y5/8”Steel Snap HookSHSteel Twist-Lock CarabinerSTEND OptionsEND OPTIONSBENEFITSRemovable CamExtended UsabilityDurable StrengthAAATSHIDEAL FORSTCONSTRUCTION Static KernmantleCOVER PolyesterCORE NylonTOWER &
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