SustainabilityReport 2023 high - Flipbook - Page 25
3.4. Focus area 3:
Terratech as a Responsible Business
At Terratech we do our outmost to run a responsible business. We want to
be, and believe we are responsible when it comes to reducing our emissions
and making our products safe both when being manufactured and for use.
Other than that, we also want to be a business with a culture employees
can be proud of, we want to o昀昀er equal opportunities, we want to o昀昀er an
environment where innovation and development thrive, and we want to
contribute to safeguarding human rights and overall run a fair business.
When talking about being a responsible business we have a few areas in
mind. First of all, we believe our employees are all a key component in being
a responsible business, both in how we as a company treat our employees
but also how our employees act towards each other, our customers
and others. We believe in having a diverse workplace, o昀昀ering equal
opportunities, with an open and honest company culture where wellbeing
and co-operation is promoted.
We also believe, for our company to succeed and create 昀椀nancial growth
for us and our customers, we need to constantly create and improve
awareness of our business and the solutions we can o昀昀er. To do this we
have a strong focus on continuous operational development, with the
ambition to constantly improve all areas of the business, both internally as
well as externally.
Finally, we believe we need to have a stable and strong foundation when it
comes to our governance structure, our code of conduct, how we choose
suppliers that are responsible when it comes to both human rights as
well as environment and how we manage risks. During 2023 Steelwrist
received the award “Best managed company” from Deloitte for the fourth
consecutive year which also made the award reach Gold Level. The Best
Managed Company is global Deloitte program where a number of unlisted
companies are evaluated and awarded. The Best Managed Company
award started in Canada already 1993 and evaluations are today ongoing
in 38 countries.