SustainabilityReport 2023 high - Flipbook - Page 17
3.2.1. Scope 1: Production emissions and company vehicles
Our production facilities main activity consist of
assembly which in our case means that SVAB produces
no emissions from their actual production process. In
Steelwrist some production steps produce emissions,
and at Sjørring, more manufacturing than assembly
takes place and therefore accounts for the largest
part of emissions produced from our manufacturing
During 2023 total emissions were reduced by some
7% compared to 2022. Of total emissions some
84% is generated from our production processes
whereby 98% comes from the manufacturing process
in Sjørring . From the total manufacturing related
emissions in Sjørring about 70% is coming from the
natural gas heating.
As a result, we took a decision during 2023 to sign up
a project with the local municipality in order to change
the heating from natural gas to district heating.
Before the 昀椀nal decision the district heating will be
evaluated against an alternative air to water heating
pump. Other than the production facilities we have
a number of sales o昀케ces around the world, these
o昀케ces do not account for any produced production
Taking action to phase out the natural gas heating
in Sjørring would in fact attack the single biggest
emission source which accounts for about 57%
of Terratech’s total emissions. The second biggest
source of emissions from the Terratech Group would
be welding process related emissions in Sjørring and
there is an ongoing project that is yet to be 昀椀nished
where other sources of Scope one emissions can
be reduced at Sjørring. Even though total emissions
were reduced the main reduction was actually within
production emissions while emissions from company
vehicles actually grew by 17% due to increased
customer activities and some additional personnel
with company cars.
In order to mitigate emissions from company vehicles,
basically all new vehicles were either hybrid or fully
electric cars. In fact, electric cars grew by 450% while
diesel cars remained at a 昀氀at level. Although our
intention is to use electric vehicles (or hybrid vehicles),
when adding new or changing company vehicles the
current infrastructure does not always allow this.
Many of our customers are located in remote areas
which means that both sales and support vehicles
sometimes need to be run on other fuels. Even
though new cars were mainly electrical, emissions
created from the number of electrical vehicles we
use at this time is small in comparison to the total
emissions generated from our vehicles.
For 2024 we will continue to try to 昀椀nd ways to
reduce production emissions mainly at the Sjørring
production site as well as continue to exchange diesel
cars to electrical cars.
References and sources of emission factors for Scope 1:
Energymyndigheten2 for vehicle emission factors in Sweden, GHG 3
protocols transport tool for Danish vehicle calculation. Process emission
factors as well as fuel emission factors for Denmark comes from SustainX 4.