SJL Sixth Form Prospectus 2024 (3) - Flipbook - Page 92
Education for a changing world
Massive Open Online Courses
MOOCs are readily accessible online courses that enable students to develop their education, knowledge
and skills. There are thousands of courses on offer, covering a vast range of subjects, and offered by
universities from around the world. MOOCs leverage digital technologies to deliver high-quality educational
content making learning accessible to individuals from various backgrounds. The courses employ
multimedia elements such as video lectures, quizzes, discussion forums, and interactive assignments to
engage learners. Learners have the flexibility to study at their own pace, fostering a self-directed and
inclusive learning environment.
Students will choose to study MOOCs for different reasons. This might be to enhance and extend A level
courses, to study courses which relate to subjects a student wishes to study at university, or to learn
something new.
There are no specific entry criteria for this course. However, you will need to have strong independent
study skills and a passion for learning new topics.
The study time for MOOCs can vary but most will require about 12 hours of study. This means that
students will aim to complete at least one MOOC per term.
Throughout the course, students will complete their MOOC Log, which they will use to record intended
areas of study and evaluate the learning from each online course.
Students will also learn how to identify courses that align with their aspirations and how to study
independently, including effective note-taking. They will also be given opportunities to share what they
have learned from their MOOC study.
There will be taught sessions and student presentations, but the typical MOOC lesson will involve
independent study.
Students will receive a certificate for each MOOC they complete.
At the end of the course, students will submit their MOOC Log, which will be assessed and accredited by
their teacher.
For more information contact: Mr Evans