SJL Sixth Form Prospectus 2024 (3) - Flipbook - Page 79
Sir John Lawes School
Board: AQA
The importance of Modern Languages in our society cannot be overstated, especially in view of the
increasingly globalised economy and workplace. There is a wide variety of career opportunities available to
students of a foreign language, either in the category of those directly using languages or, increasingly,
where a foreign language is an additional required skill – for example in accountancy, law, insurance,
marketing, banking, tourism and PA work.
We would expect students to achieve a grade 6 or above in GCSE Spanish and an APS of 4.5 or
The course aims to:
Develop your understanding of written and spoken forms of Spanish in a variety of styles
Encourage you to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in Spanish using increasingly
accurate and complex language
Help you to develop critical insights into, and contact with, the contemporary society, cultural
background and other countries where Spanish is spoken
Provide a suitable foundation for further study of Spanish as well as a highly regarded course for those
not wishing to continue to university level
Topics include:
The changing nature of family
The 'cyber-society'
Regional Identity
Immigration, integration and racism
The Influence of Idols
Cultural Heritage
Monarchies and Dictatorships
Study of 1 literary text and 1 film
An individual research project