SJL Sixth Form Prospectus 2024 (3) - Flipbook - Page 20
Education for a changing world
Art & Design
Textiles & Fashion Design
Board: Edexcel (9FA0), (9TE0)
Students studying A Level Art and A Level Textiles & Fashion will be taught together for both courses,
covering common skills around collection of information through observational work and experimentation
with materials. Art students and Textiles & Fashion Design students will also have specialist lessons around
the two disciplines, developing work in their chosen area.
These A Levels may also be taken in combination with other portfolio based courses, but due to the similar
structure of assessments and deadlines, advice should be taken if you plan to do this.
You must enjoy working in a creative way and will need to have good organisational skills. You need
commitment and enthusiasm for this area of study. You will be given the opportunity to develop your ideas
in a range of ways including Drawing and Painting, Printmaking and Sculpture. You will be encouraged to
work in the Art faculty during your free lessons. You will have the opportunity to attend trips and will be
encouraged to visit galleries in your own time. You will need to spend a minimum of 4-5 hours a week on
sketchbook work in addition to lessons.
This is an art-based textiles and fashion course where you work from a starting brief or theme. You will
creatively explore textiles and how far you can manipulate the materials, stretch ideas and push
boundaries, perhaps using materials that may not be considered