Impact Statement 2023-24 - Report - Page 14
Sorority Initiatives
More than 490 members participated in the Summit for Collegiate Leadership for
chapter officers and advisors at three different locations in January and February 2024.
Curriculum focused on leadership and personal skill development topics specific to the
needs of current chapter officers. A mix of general sessions and small cohort groups
was led by trained facilitators.
Funding comes from the Judith and James Herbert Leadership
Development Endowment.
My biggest takeaway was the discussion of belonging vs. fittingin. I really felt that because I often find myself wanting to just
fit-in and blend instead of actually belonging. I hope our chapter
can bring the ideas discussed back to our campus and really
foster a community of belonging.
I learned how to approach new members in a way
that will encourage engagement and learning.
My biggest worry going into my position was the
involvement of all members. I have gotten continuous
support and great information on how to create a positive
environment in my chapter.
Your influence has the ability to change who
someone can become.
Summit for Collegiate Leadership participants