FINAL 2024 Giving Impact Snapshot - Flipbook - Page 7
Emergency Preparedness and Safety
SDG&E Donates Multi-Gas
Detectors to SD Fire-Rescue’s
Emergency Response Fleet
In May, SDG&E supported the
San Diego Fire-Rescue Foundation
to purchase 80 new multi-gas
detectors to keep residents
and communities safe. The new
detectors were distributed to
San Diego Fire-Rescue’s fleet
of emergency vehicles at
all 52 fire stations in the
City of San Diego. These
devices can detect
“We recognize that preparedness is also a communitynatural gas, carbon
wide effort and supporting Fire Safe Councils, as part of
monoxide and
SDG&E’s SAFE San Diego Grant Program, helps to address
other toxic gases,
giving first responders
specific community needs for the information and resources
the atmospheric
to help prevent and prepare for wildfires.”
monitoring and
- Brian D’Agostino, SDG&E Vice President of Wildfire and Climate Science
immediate situational
intelligence needed to
make quick, potentially
and share critical fire safety
within the Kensington community
lifesaving decisions.
in San Diego. SDG&E sponsored
information. Fires in mobile
the event, providing dumpsters for
homes can spread more rapidly
SDG&E’s Partnership
community members to dispose of
due to their size. It is estimated
with Fire Safe Councils
brush that was cleared out during
that home fires claim seven lives
At the Fire Safe Council of San
the event.
every day, but having working
Diego County’s 16th Annual
smoke alarms can cut the risk
Volunteer Awards Ceremony,
SDG&E Employees
of death by half.
SDG&E along with the San
Volunteer at “Sound the
Diego Fire Foundation and the
Alarm” for Fire Safety
San Diego River Conservancy
The American Red Cross provides
provided over $123,000 in grant
free smoke alarms nationwide
funding to 18 community-based
at its Sound the Alarm events to
fire councils to help prevent and
save lives and prevent fires. In
prepare for wildfires. In the fall,
April, SDG&E employee volunteers
the Kensington Fire Safe Council
visited at-risk mobile home
organized a “Dumpathon” event to
communities in East County San
remove brush around the canyons
Diego to install smoke alarms
| 2023