SNS24 Catalogue Digital Spreads - Book - Page 20
Merit award winner
Umnikelo is a self-directed body of work that speaks to
the changes that occur in the positionality of women in
the Zulu culture. The wax plates signify the fragility of
the matriarchal roles in the Zulu homesteads as women
are constantly having to “stand in the gap” for men.
These plates also represent the act of endless serving
that women must endure in families. This “serving”
(ukunikela) is seen as an important part of the Zulu
ceremonies as it shows the responsibility of women in
the Zulu culture.
This notion of serving is hinted at in the concave
traditional trays used to serve meals for men. The sheep
hides represent the characteristics of sheep similar to
women, which are submissive, intelligent and fragile.
The hides speak of the animal sacrifices that the artist’s
great grandfather had to make and the importance of
these ceremonies. The stack of wax plates symbolizes
the endless number of people who come to ceremonies
that need to be served. These crates not only stand
for the excessive beer consumption in the ceremonies
but also as a structure that men sit on while they feast
in traditional settings. The hides speak of the animal
sacrifices that the artist’s great-grandfather had to
make and the importance of these ceremonies. Most
of the women in the artist’s family are usually behind
the planning of the ceremonies. The stack of wax plates
symbolizes the endless amount of people who come to
ceremonies that need to be served.
Mixed media
18-part installation: 80 cm x 135 cm