SNS CATALOGUE 2022 - Book - Page 9
Sasol Vice President
Group Communication and Brand Management
"The link between art
and technology, art and
innovative thinking,
and art as creative
inspiration has never
been more apparent
than now."
The solo exhibition by the 2021 Sasol New Signatures winner,
Andrea du Plessis, affirms this connection. Technology not only
enables communication, our way of living and working, but
also how we produce and consume art. The influence of art on
technology, and vice versa, cannot be denied.
Earlier this year Sasol launched a partnership with the
Federal Republic of Germany, and other entities, to develop
green technologies. These types of projects require not only
collaboration across borders, cultures and disciplines, but also
a creative approach to problem solving and innovative thinking.
A work of art does not necessarily have one interpretation, and
while seeking various other interpretations, the curious viewer often
stumbles onto new understandings and solutions. The same holds
true for new developments in the field of technology. The spirit
of creativity, questioning the status quo, exploring new ideas and
critically evaluating alternatives, all play a role in how we develop
and carve a new path forward.
This year we celebrate and acknowledge all those creative
thinkers contributing to making the world a better place through
art and technology.
For emerging artists, the challenge remains the same: breaking into
a very competitive, ever evolving field. Sasol is honoured to play a
role in providing opportunities for emerging artists to showcase
their work.
This year we had an unprecedented number of entries, which
reinforces the need for a platform such as this. It also highlights
the depth of talent and creativity across South African society.
On behalf of Sasol, we congratulate all the winners of the 2022 Sasol
New Signatures Art Competition, as well as those whose works were
selected for this exhibition, and wish them all the best for the future.
We also extend our gratitude to the Association of Arts Pretoria for
their dedication and hard work, as well as to our partners, the City
of Tshwane, the Pretoria Art Museum and Stuttaford Van Lines, for
their continued and loyal support.
" This year we
celebrate and
acknowledge all
those creative
thinkers contributing
to making the world
a better pleace
through art and