Sasol New Signatures Catalogue 2021 - Book - Page 9
"Covid-19 taught
us the lesson
that rich and
poor, developed
and developing
share one finite
world, and are
depending on
one another for
their well-being
and safety. "
In 1992 the total prize money involved was a mere
R3 000,00 of which the overall winner received
R1 000,00 and the four merit awards received
R500,00 each. This year the overall winner will
receive a generous R100 000,00, the runner-up
R25 000,00 and the merit award winners
R10 000,00 each.
Sasol has truly elevated this competition to one
that gives young artists a major boost and in many
cases enables them to travel abroad and experience
the latest trends first hand. Many of the Sasol New
Signatures Art Competition winners also found a
permanent home for their works in the prestigious
Sasol Art Collection, while a large percentage
of winners have also established themselves
A competition of this nature would not be possible
without people supporting it on a local and national
level. The Association of Arts Pretoria would
therefore like to thank everybody that so selflessly
enabled this competition to become what it is
today. A hearty thanks to our new Chairperson,
Dr Pfunzo Sidogi, all the judges, the Pretoria Art
Museum and all the participating artists. A special
word of gratitude to Nandi Hilliard, our gallery
manager without whose sterling contribution over
many years, this competition would not have been
Transporting delicate artworks from all the corners
of the country to the Pretoria Art Museum is a major
logistic undertaking, which would not be possible
without the ‘wings' behind this competition –
Stuttaford Van Lines. We salute you for your years
of support and your expertise.