Sasol Integrated Report 2024 - Book - Page 98
SOCIAL – LABOUR continued
Employee engagement
We worked to create an engaged, enabled and energised workforce. This empowered our leadership
to improve employee engagement through our listening approach and various employee initiatives.
This included tools such as change risk assessments, team effectiveness interventions, employee
recognition, our PULSE engagement survey as well as townhall meetings.
Employee engagement and continuous listening are key enablers supporting our culture transformation
and driving our People Promise to ensure our employees feel cared for, listened to and have a sense
of belonging. To this end, we rolled out a PULSE culture dipstick survey, to determine our current
organisational climate and track cultural changes post the Sasol Heartbeat 2022 employee engagement
survey. The survey was rolled out to a target population of 19 779 employees.
With a response rate of 56% (11 076 responses), the survey highlighted important themes requiring
our attention, such as continued embedding of the Sasol Values as well as on leaders living the Sasol
Values; a focus on openness and trust and looking at ways to increase our employee value proposition.
More focused attention is also required to:
• create a sense of belonging; make employees feel valued and recognised; and
• provide opportunities to learn and grow.
Prioritised attention is needed to address obstacles to an improvement of safety, such as:
The focus on promoting a culture of safety and Zero Harm continues to be a priority. We collaborated
with Safety, Health and Environment, Ethics, Human Capital and Operations colleagues across Sasol
to ensure an integrated approach to impact culture and safety behavioural change across all levels
of the organisation. We realise that much more work is required to ensure that every one of our
employees gets home safely to their families after each work day.
People with disabilities (PwD) inclusion
We continued implementing a campaign aimed at raising awareness and encouraging voluntary
declarations of PwD in South Africa. Furthermore, we continued driving the external recruitment
of PwD learners resulting in PwD representation of 265 in South Africa. 120 of these learners who
completed their learnership programme were employed through our strategic partners such
as Gauteng City College.
Employment equity (EE) and skills development
• Driving our EE and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment goals in South Africa and our
commitment to localisation in Mozambique remain critical. Our FY28 five-year EE plan in South Africa,
remains key towards effectively addressing identified barriers to transformation and supporting the
realisation of our EE targets. The main focus of our EE plan remains improving the representation
of AC men and women as well as PwDs across all occupational levels, while maintaining equitable
representation across all population groups.
• We continued to hold ourselves accountable to our EE, localisation and diversity targets, in part,
by incorporating our targets into our short-term incentive scorecard.
• an emphasis on employee care;
• employee training; and
• managers leading by example, setting the tone from the top, and creating a conducive working
At the centre of our cultural transformation in Southern Africa were the ‘leadership commitment
journeys’. These focused on fostering a safe and caring workplace in support of Zero Harm as well
as founders’ mentality to inculcate customer centricity and owner’s mindset, strengthening
our employee experience and realising our People Promise.
• The learning and development plans continue to support our work to increase diversity, equity,
inclusion and belonging at Sasol and our FY28 5-year EE plan, delivering targeted learning and
development interventions across the organisation. As a result, we continued to focus
on development interventions and our career pre-investment pools such as learnerships,
apprenticeships and bursaries which are critical to secure and develop a pipeline of future
talent for Sasol.
Inclusive culture and practices
• Our strong focus on fostering a sense of belonging is evident in our continuous efforts to establish
transparent communication channels. We also assess and evaluate our organisational culture
and practices, demonstrating our dedication to improving and creating an environment where all
employees feel valued, respected and empowered.
• We share best practice and learning through our Global Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Network.
• To strengthen our drive towards an inclusive culture, safe workplace and further embed Sasol’s Values
of BE Accountable and BE Caring, our gender-based violence and femicide awareness drive challenged
violence against women and children.
• Our women networks, including ‘Women in Operations’ and ‘Women in Mining’, remained catalysts
in our work to deliver diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Key themes for these networks were
wellbeing, career development, community engagement and mentorship and coaching. 306 women
participated in our mentorship circles.