Sasol Integrated Report 2024 - Book - Page 97
Our People Promise is to provide a unique employee
experience and a compelling value proposition to a
diverse workforce in a safe and inclusive workplace.
This contributes to ensuring that our employees
are aligned and committed to Sasol’s strategy.
Our approach is anchored around key aspects related to leadership, capability development, culture
transformations; competitive compensation and benefits enhanced by a supportive and caring workplace;
talent management, skills and competencies; people transformation to a green economy; performance
management; and digital human resources.
Leadership capability development
Culture transformation
The aim is to develop inspiring and caring leaders who set the tone from the top as they are role models for our values
in creating inclusive, innovative and high-performing work environments.
Through culture transformation we want to establish a
diverse and high-performing workforce that experiences
equity, inclusion, a sense of belonging and embraces
innovation and collaboration.
The focus in FY24 was on building internal capability to ensure
sustainability and continued scaling of the various capability
development programmes across the organisation. Work continued
with Leadership teams and individual leaders to strengthen
Leadership Effectiveness and Capability. To develop inspiring and
caring leaders who create inclusive, innovative and high-performing
work environments in FY24, we:
• advanced the implementation of ‘Investing in the Sasol Leader
of the Future’ programme. Leaders were assessed against ‘What
Good Looks Likes’ profiles to identify and address leadership
capability gaps. Data insights derived from the process were
used to enhance our culture priorities, talent, succession and
development planning;
• continued to embed Founder’s Mentality and the prioritised
People First Leadership Capabilities through the Leader Essentials
• ensured leadership essentials focused on consistent leadership
and talent managements practices across Germany, Italy,
South Africa, Lake Charles and Singapore;
Energy sector and providing leadership tools to navigate
this continuously changing environment;
• continued to invest in the development of a virtual and digital
learning platform intended to host various learning modalities and
• continued to strengthen frontline leadership capability
through our Frontline Leadership Development programmes
and modules; and
• assisted 364 leaders to complete the Leader-as-Coach training
programme in Southern Africa. This is to ensure that participants
are competent in applying the coaching style aimed at embedding
technical, functional, managerial and behavioural competencies to
improve the performance of subordinate employees. One-on-one
coaches and mentors were identified and assigned to individuals
for all leadership layers.
364 leaders completed the Leader-as-Coach training
• continued with the implementation of our development approach
to build defined inspirational leadership capabilities at all layers of
the organisation;
7 078 employees received Leadership training.
• continued to develop identified high-potential individuals in
middle management roles through focused, integrated and
accelerated talent development, career planning and mobility;
234 Leaders completed the Leadership Essentials
• launched the Advanced Energy Business Leadership Programme,
introducing participants to the latest dynamics within the
16 high potential individuals in the LEAP programme.
20 Sasol leaders completed the Advanced Energy
Business Leadership programme.
During FY24, we therefore focused on gender equity, the inclusion
of people with disabilities (PwD), employment equity and skills
development, inclusive culture and practices:
Gender equity
• Our focus remained on ensuring equitable representation of
women across all occupational levels and fostering an inclusive
workplace culture by promoting equitable female participation
in leadership succession and development initiatives; launching
additional women network forums; and driving identified themes
for women networks across the operating model entity.
• Our work on the empowerment of women addressed barriers to
gender equity and placed emphasis on equitable representation,
skills and capability building and ensuring an inclusive culture for
women. Improving equitable gender representation across all role
categories, with an emphasis on African and Coloured (AC) females
in South Africa.
• Through our talent management processes, we increased the
number of AC females in succession pools for senior leadership
and critical roles and drove focused leadership programmes.
The health and diversity of our pre-investment pools remains
critical to ensuring the sustainability of our talent pipelines.
Our Graduate Development Programme comprised of 48%
females. Bursars comprised of 52% females while our Learnerships
comprised of 36% females.
• In support of our commitment, our Group Executive Committee
prioritised advancement of the Sustainable Development Goal 5.