Sasol Ci Manual - Other - Page 38
5.3 Photographic imagery
Custom photography or stock images
Contracting a professional photographer
Post production and image manipulation
Technical specifications of photographs
Whilst stock photography is readily
available, it may only be used if it does
not compromise the communication or
the visual tone of our brand. Custom
photography ensures exclusivity as stock
photography may not be exclusively
owned by us.
Make sure you select the right photographer
at the right cost. A good portrait
photographer or a photo-journalist is not
necessarily a good industrial photographer.
Select a photographer that has both the
technical and creative capabilities required
for the job by checking their credentials
and their portfolio.
Photographs must be planned for and shot
to ensure the least amount of retouching
and colour correcting. Even though most
photographers do some post production,
when the need arises for colour correction
and retouching, a professional image
retoucher should be used.
All photographs must be supplied in high
resolution (no less than 300 pixels per
inch (ppi) where it is possible a higher
resolution is preferable), low resolution
(72 ppi) together with high quality contact
sheets. They should be saved in Adobe
RGB (red, green, blue) not sRGB and
not CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, blue).
The photographer should not change
to CMYK as they will not know what
the end user’s ICC (International Colour
Consortium) profile preferences are.
Campaign based photography
These are images shot for, or transposed
from, an above-the-line campaign.
Generally, these images are commissioned,
shot and used only for the duration of the
campaign. It is vital that our visual tone
is captured across all campaign based
When selecting visuals in support of a
campaign, for example, images for a
brochure, please note that they may appear
in market for a longer period than the
campaign is flighting. These images should
therefore not only reinforce the campaign
message but should also, if seen without
a campaign context, be able to stand alone.
Professional photographers have differing
cost structures. Some charge a standard
minimum fee with an additional hourly
rate. Others charge a standard minimum
fee and then a minimum half day or full
day rate. The costs for prints and number
of photographs will be charged as extras.
Post production may also be charged
extra as well as travel and accommodation.
When on location, if a photograph cannot
be taken as a result of bad weather,
the photographer will invoice for their
time. It is important to clarify all these
issues upfront.
Once the photographer has been paid, all
copyright of the photographs taken belong
to Sasol Limited. Permission has to be
granted, in writing, for another entity to
use or publish a photograph. Ensure that
this is part of the contract, a “Copyright
Assignment Agreement” needs to be
signed and kept on record. The Intellectual
Property team can help with this process.
Worldwide model release
Photographic library management
The back-up and management of these
photographs is Sasol’s responsibility.
The photographer is not Sasol’s
photographic library and he/she will,
no doubt, charge for additional
requests for archival images.
Ensure that there are no legal issues
regarding the approval of the person(s)
used in a photograph. At times, a
“model-release” needs to be attended
to. Ensure that those in the photograph
are happy with the worldwide release of
the photograph in which they appear.