English | Code Of Conduct 2022 - Book - Page 38
We adhere to trade controls and international sanctions
We act responsibly in dealing with imports and exports and comply with applicable international regulations
whenever we buy, produce, sell or transfer our products/services across borders.
We could face serious penalties if we breach trade restrictions and export controls.
If any trade requests are received from a country or business to which trade restrictions apply, consult a Sasol
Legal Advisor or the Center of Expertise Governance Laws before responding or actioning the request.
We do not engage or support any terrorist activities. We conduct due diligence reviews and continuous
screening on customers, suppliers and partners, to aid us in managing our risks.
We only provide our products or services to individuals, entities, customers or countries that are subject to
certain sanctions and located in geographic locations that are subject to certain sanctions if we can ensure
compliance with applicable sanction laws.
Key sanctions and trade control resources:
Sasol Sanctions Compliance Policy.
Please contact your Sasol Legal Advisor or the Center of Expertise Governance Laws for further
information or support.