English | Code Of Conduct 2022 - Book - Page 35
We guard against bribery, corruption, fraud, and terrorism
We have zero tolerance for and oppose corruption and dishonesty in any form.
We will not offer, ask for nor accept, any bribes, directly or indirectly. This applies to our employees,
partners, suppliers, customers, regulators and shareholders.
No one connected to Sasol should be influenced or try to influence another person, company or
government agency unlawfully. We are honest and transparent with our customers, suppliers,
partners, regulators and shareholders. We select our business partners, suppliers and service
providers carefully and would rather lose business or miss an opportunity, than obtain or retain it
dishonestly or illegally.
We will not use our recruitment processes, social investment activities, sponsorships or donations to
obtain any inappropriate benefit.
We guard against even the perception of dishonesty and corruption.
Dishonesty includes:
Bribery and corruption |
This include offering, giving,
promising, requesting, agreeing,
to receive or accepting a benefit
from anyone with the intention
of receiving an unfair advantage,
even via a third-party. We will
not use our positions within
Sasol to obtain inappropriate
benefits from external parties,
for example employment for
family members.
Accepting or offering
facilitation payments |These
include payments meant to
speed up routine things like
releasing goods from customs.
Intentionally lying or
distorting the truth |This
includes not doing the things
we should, such as allowing a
false perception to continue
while knowing the truth.
Fraud | Which is dishonest
acts that intentionally use
deception to illegally deprive
another person or entity of
money, property, or legal
rights. Unlike the crime of
theft, which involves the
taking of something of value
through force or stealth, fraud
relies on the use of intentional
misrepresentation of fact to
accomplish the taking.
We never ask for, offer, give or accept bribes, directly or indirectly. We will never pay facilitation payments.
This applies to our employees, partners, suppliers, customers, regulators and shareholders. If you notice any
suspicious activity, report it to Sasol Forensic Services or the Sasol EthicsLine.