N VENTILATIONVENT GROMMETSLow-pro昀椀le vent grommets, also known as ventilators or breathers, have smallholes in the cap to allow ventilation. Often used on cushion backs to let air escapewhen the cushion is compressed. Made from 100% brass. Cut a 7/16" hole for a3/4" vent grommet and a 5/8" hole for a 1" vent grommet. Require specialty diesets for installation (sold separately). Visit Sailrite.com for more information.#5 Vent Grommet 1"#120748#3 VENT GROMMET 3/4"#120747BOAT VENT II™ BLACKEasy to install. Cut small hole in cover,separate vent and sandwich fabric in betweenvent pieces. Use in conjunction with Cam-LockSupport Poles (#105131, sold separately) tocreate proper tenting that will shed rain/snowoff top of cover and prevent pooling.Diameter: 4.286" Overall Height: 2"#105135BOAT VENT AERO™Lightweight, sew-in vent bringsneeded air circulation to tightly 昀椀ttingcovers, eliminating moisture buildup.Provides extra protection from heavyrain. Made from UV-resistant rubber.Height: 1.5" Width: 5.25" Length: 7.5"Black #121377White #121378260.244.4647 | Sailrite.com | 40
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