Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 65
The first factory was in the back of
Walker Welders; a small area was
cordoned off for cutting,
bending, welding, and painting
the first carts.
It was thought that SafTCart
would never use the entire facility
and half would be rented.
Next came the old Dublin School However, business grew and so did
in Dublin, Mississippi, which Mr. the plant. Not only did he fill up
Walker purchased in the early 90’s. the space but he built five
additions to the plant.
Walls were removed, a conveyor
Unfortunately, the flow of parts
system installed, and the first
from fabrication to shipping was
official Saf-T-Cart factory began.
less than perfect and alternative
locations were sought.
In 2005, the Board of Supervisors
and Industrial Foundation
brokered a deal for SafTCart to
acquire the old Delta Homes
location in Clarksdale. This
location would give us the space so
desperately needed and there was
Then, in 1997 the facility on Hwy room for expansion. In late 2005,
Saf-T-Cart started moving
322, in Clarksdale, Mississippi,
equipment at night and on
was purchased and the operation
weekends. Small crews were sent
moved there.
for wiring and cleaning.