Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 64
The Origins of SafTCarttm
Walker Welders, a welding
distributor, started in 1969 on Hwy
322 at the old Delta Welding
location in Clarksdale, Mississippi.
(Ironically, across the street from
the future SafTCart.) During the
late 80’s SafTCart began as an outgrowth of Walker Welders.
Around the same time Mr. Walker
had an idea for a self-contained
oxy/acetylene outfit (cutting torch
outfit.) The gauges and apparati
are the most expensive parts of the
outfit and susceptible to theft... so,
this new idea would give the user
the ability to lock parts into the
cabinet. Then, adding a lifting eye
would allow the user to lift the
entire unit. He also wanted
something recession proof and
non-dependent on the Delta since
industries were hit hard whenever
there was a downturn in the
Jimmy Walker, Sr., attended shows No one would or wanted to build
throughout the country and
the cart, so Mr. Walker built it
discovered a need for a new cart
himself. He started by buying
equipment at auctions and even
purchasing the first Standard
Industrial shear and brake press
from the Clarksdale Company.