Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 51
Height: 55”
Width: 38”
Weight: 105 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (16/18)
T he P H - 1 6 T and 1 8 T P allet
H eaders are designed to
attach to a standard
pallet with a m anifold for
high v olum e deliv eries.
E x cellent for fast
turn- around j obs.
T he standard C 6 - 4 C holds
six cylinders with a lifting
eye and forklift access top
and bottom .
Height: 85”
Width: 22”
Depth: 32”
Weight: 320 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (6)
Weight Capacity: 1950 lb.
Wheels: SC-53, SC-54