Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 46
A sideless counterpart to
our regular pallets, the
S T P - 1 6 - B sav es weight.
Height: 39”
Width: 42”
Depth: 39”
Weight: 225 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (16)
D oubling your storage
potential for propane and
smaller cylinders, the
D P - 1 6 has a foldable shelf
for v ariability.
Height: 64.75”
Width: 42”
Depth: 39”
Shelf Height: 35”
Weight: 424 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 4.5” or 33-44 lb.
D esigned for A irgas
style pallet trailers, the
STP-1 -A includes
four-sided forklift access.
Height: 39”
Width: 48”
Depth: 46”
Weight: 240 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (18)