Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 44
The SPC- is a lockable storage
rack for eight lb. to lb. propane
cylinders. S tationary pins hold
each cylinder in place to m aintain
the upright position of the safety
v alv es.
Height: 70”
Width: 33”
Depth: 36”
Weight: 174 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 33-44 lb. (8)
esigned for bulk jobs, the
SPC-1 is a lockable rack for twel e
3 3 lb. to 4 4 lb. propane cylinders.
S tationary pins hold each cylinder
in place to m aintain the upright
position of the safety v alv es.
Height: 70”
Width: 48”
Depth: 36”
Weight: 280 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 33-44 lb. (12)
The SPC-1 , a great addition to
any forklift fleet, is a lockable
storage rack for si teen lb. to
4 4 lb. propane cylinders. S tationary
pins hold each cylinder in place to
m aintain the upright position of the
safety v alv es.
Height: 70”
Width: 60”
Depth: 36”
Weight: 285 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 33-44 lb. (16)