Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 41
T he S T S - 1 2 stores a doze n
cylinders inside a cage with a
forklift bottom, bar grate flooring,
gauge steel top, and lifting eye for
Height: 85”
Width: 32”
Depth: 42”
Weight: 494 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (12)
Strap: 5304-SEF
Forklift Tubes: 3”x6”
T he S T S - 1 2 - F W - 2 ex pands on the
S T S with the ability to store and
separate ox ygen cylinders from
acetylene using an O S H A com pliant
firewall and two separate doors.
Height: 85”
Width: 32”
Depth: 42”
Weight: 663 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5”, 12.5”
Strap: 5304-SEF
Forklift Tubes: 3”x6”
T he S T S - 2 0 holds 2 0 cylinders
inside a cage with a forklift bottom,
tread plate flooring, gauge steel
top, and uses four-point lifting ears
in place of the eye.
Height: 79”
Width: 50”
Depth: 50”
Weight: 692 lb.
Cylinder capacity: 9.5” (20)
Strap: 5308-SEF