Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 31
T he A C - 5 4 - L is a utility wagon
for transporting m ass q uantities of
m edical cylinders with ease. U sing
ratchet straps for security and
optional nesting div iders
for minimi ing damage, cylinders
arriv e at their destination safely.
Height: 46”
Dimensions: 32”x42”
Weight: 293 lb.
Wheels: SC-53, SC-54
Cylinder capacity: 4.5”
edical operations often need large
num bers of ox ygen cylinders stored
and distributed on a regular basis.
- and
- S stand
were designed to handle this need.
W ith a sim ple design and an elev at ed base-plate, those cylinders can
be m ov ed with m inim al effort.
Height: 38”
Dimensions: 25.5”x41.75”
Weight: 90 lb.
Wheels: SC-23, SC-24
Cylinder capacity: 3.5”
Large medical operations consider
movement and protection of
oxygen cylinders a priority.
Moving cylinders safely requires
specialized equipment. The MDE24T moves two dozen D/E cylinders
and protects vulnerable gauges and
valves from above.
Height: 41”
Dimensions: 21.5” x 34”
Weight: 60 lb.
Wheels: SC-23, SC-24
Cylinder capacity: 4.5”