Saftcart-catalog-reduced (1) - Flipbook - Page 12
Saf-T-Cart Firewalls
Exceeding all OSHA specified requirements.
The Only True Firewall in the
Saf-T-Cart firewalls are 60’’
tall, obstructing the line
of sight from your oxygen
cylinders to your fuel gas.
Our firewalls can be sold
as a stand-alone product
for adding to your existing
Certification papers are
available for your files.
Firewalls come in a variety
of sizes, ranging from single
cylinder separators to large
Firewalls become necessary
after cylinders sit unused
for 24 hours. Instead of
removing your cylinders
from their carts, try Saf-TCart’s firewalls. Guaranteed
to keep you up and running
at the highest safety
standards, it’s the only true
firewall that completely
blocks the line of sight
between your cylinders.