2024 Sacramento State Winter Commencement Program - Flipbook - Page 52
college of education
As a comprehensive college, the College of Education collaborates with the region’s professional
communities in preparing future educators, leaders, and professionals to serve as agents of positive social
change toward a more just, equitable, and inclusive society. We support the career aspirations and personal
growth of students with diverse identities and backgrounds. We provide informed advice and applied
research services to local and global communities.
Our graduates are sought after for their knowledge, practical skills, and ability to work collaboratively and
to lead social change in diverse communities. Our faculty members are valued for their ability to partner
with practitioners and their expertise in research, policy, and practice. We are proud of our forward-looking,
student-friendly organizational culture, and look forward to being integral to the region’s success.
The College of Education community shares certain values. We consider diversity of student body, staff,
and faculty to be essential to our academic mission. We strive to provide affirming and inclusive learning
and working environments to all students, faculty, and staff in accordance with their needs, strength, and
identities. We pursue truth, and we defend evidence-informed decision-making, and theories and practices
supported by facts. We expect our graduates to contribute to the common good and to work always within
the boundaries of fairness and collegiality.
The College of Education offers pathways into many possible careers, through the bachelor of science,
bachelor of arts, master of science, master of arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Arts in Special
Education Teaching, Educational Specialist in School Psychology, and doctorate in Educational Leadership
Today’s graduates will go on to shape the lives of others through their service as teachers, counselors, school
psychologists, special educators, workforce and career specialists, professionals in deaf-related fields, and
leaders in schools, community colleges, community-based programs, and public and private institutions,
agencies, and organizations throughout the Sacramento region and beyond.
Congratulations to all our graduates! We are very proud of you today.