Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 56
- The entering individual/team can nominate their charity through the
event entry process and/or noÿfy of thei intended
fundraising aÿempt.
- The individual/team must have entered via the online entry process and
be idenÿoable as legiÿmate paid entrants.
- Teams should noÿfy once they reached £50 in
funds raised. The organisers will then commit to a further £50 to be paid to
the nominated charity in January 2025. The team leader must provide: 1) a
link to the fundraising page being used as evidence of fundraising, and 2)
the bank details of the registered charity (by January 1st 2025)
- To qualify for a larger share of the 8Charity Pool9 the entering team will
need to raise at least £500 through the online fundraising page (includes
the orst £50). All qualioers will receive an equal porÿon of the balance leÿ
in the 8Charity Pool9.
- The entering team must forward it9s claim for a share of the Charity Pool
by no later than January 1st 2025 3 again ensuring the organisers have the
link to the relevant fundraising page.
- Once all qualifying claims have been validated the organisers 3 in January
2025 3 will noÿfy the team leaders of the outcome and arrange for the
payments to be made directly to the appropriate chariÿes.
- In instances where mulÿple teams have nominated the same registered
charity/CASC the organisers have ruled that no single charity should
receive more than £1,000 from the 8Charity Pool9.
- As a result of entry, the team leaders may receive some publicity in the
local media. Only photographs agreed by entrants will be used in media
- In certain circumstances the organisers reserve the right to seek further
detail of your fundraising.
Decisions made by the organisers are onal
Return to the
Charity Pool
page 8