Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 44
We fund over £100 million of lifesaving research
into heart and circulatory diseases each year. We
support you when you need us most. And we
campaign for a healthier world.
Bri�sh Heart Founda�on is the biggest funder of research into
heart and circulatory diseases in Europe. We help 昀椀nd cures
and treatments to give people more �me with loved ones.
Our research has revolu�onised how we treat heart diseases,
such as heart a�acks, heart rhythm problems and congenital
heart defects. But there’s s�ll more work to do. Heart diseases
s�ll cause heartbreak on every street, in every o昀케ce, in every
Our research is a crucial step towards bea�ng heartbreak
forever. 190 people die each from heart a�acks each day,
which is why BHF-funded research into treatments is so
important. Over a million people in the UK have a heart
rhythm problem.
Our research gives people with heart rhythm disorders the
best chance of living longer, healthier lives. Each day, 13
babies in the UK are diagnosed with congenital heart disease.
The BHF is funding crucial breakthroughs so we can protect
these these �ny hearts.