Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 42
What is Rotary all About?
Rotary Interna�onal is the world’s largest charitable organisa�on with almost
34,000 clubs in 200 countries and more than 1.2 million members.
As well as ac�vely contribu�ng within their local communi�es and
interna�onal communi�es, the men and women of Rotary share a
full and varied social life and put fun as high on the agenda as
helping others in need.
Helping can be fun
Probably Rotary’s most prominent honorary member is Microso�
President Bill Gates who said: “Rotary provides the infrastructure
for scaling up one of the best ideas that human beings ever had:
that helping others is not just a
duty - it’s fun and rewarding”.
Polio eradica�on
Rotary expanded their project to completely
eradicate polio across the globe by
partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates
Founda�on. In his partnership address Bill
Gates announced that his Founda�on
would award US$355 million to Rotary Interna�onal to bring the total
commi�ed funding for the Rotary Polio Eradica�on Project to $555 million.
Fun and friendship.......
The three Marlow Rotary Clubs meet on a regular basis to enjoy a good meal,
great company and o�en be entertained by guest speakers. The programme of
ac�vi�es can be anything from a visit to the Houses of Parliament, Segway
racing or running a fashion show.