Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 34
Group Supporters
Greens have long supported us in the
prepara�on of documents and prin�ng
of hard copy versions.
They are a High Wycombe based
communica�ons, documenta�on and
logis�cs company, o昀昀ering solu�ons
that are more market customised than
ever before.
Leywood Estates Limited
A family-owned property business based in Amersham,
Bucks, with an ever-growing por�olio of residen�al and
commercial proper�es and businesses. We are ac�ve in
the surrounding area, including Buckinghamshire,
Berkshire, and Oxfordshire. In addi�on to our investment
property por�olio, the company undertakes a range of
development and trading projects, from improving exis�ng
stock to new-build opportuni�es.