Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 18
The Charity Pool will be set at a minimum of £15,000, enabled by
generous supporters such as The Shanly Founda�on, So�cat, Heart
of Bucks Founda�on, Clare Founda�on, and Grundon Waste
QUESTION: I want to raise funds for an orginisa�on like a school/
PTA/Scout Group/Guide Group/Sports Club etc and how do I set
up a Fundraising Page?
ANSWER: As long as you
have either a registered
UK charity or CASC
(Community Amateur
Sports Club) in place to
collect funds you can
raise money for these
causes – and you should
be able to claim part of
the £15,000 ‘Charity
If you have never set up
a Fundraising Page each
site o昀昀ers full, easy to
follow instruc�ons.