Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 14
QUESTION: Why have you increased prices to £20 – and why the
big increase to £25 for entries made from November 15th
ANSWER: This is a charity fund raiser and we have held entry cost
for many years. The costs of running the event have signi昀椀cantly
increased and in order to maintain our charity focus this price had
to rise.
The increase from November 15th We want people to enter early
to minimise the work load on our volunteers . Over 100 volunteers
give up their �me to organise the run and late entries create huge
packing and delivery logis�cal challenges.
From September 1st to November 14th there are around 11 weeks
available to enter at the ‘early bird’price!
QUESTION: Why do the collec�on and
delivery op�ons reduce from November
ANSWER: Simplicity is the key and to reduce
the logis�cal challenges the ONLY OPTION
from November 15th the will be to collect
suits on Saturday morning 30th from a ‘pop
up’ (loca�on and details will be emailed