Santa 24 Open for Entries - Flipbook - Page 12
We are very conscious of the need to do as much as we can to
protect the environment, and we also very aware of the issues
involved in supplying single use Santa Suits. We really agonise
over this issue, but it is a ‘Fun Run’ and in 2023 we raised over
£72,000 for good causes.
The suits come from China, and any other supply op�on would
require entry prices to at least double. If we get rid of the suit we
would lose the iconic image and become just another ‘Fun Run’
and revenues for charity would drop drama�cally.
However we have taken a good number of sustainability steps
over recent years – and here are a few:
Entrants do have the op�on to say ‘no suit required’. Many
either repair and re-use the previous suit, or use an alterna�ve
fes�ve kit. This choice of course results in more money going to
good causes.
The entrant medals are made of recycled material – both
the medal itself and the ribbons
We have teams scouring the park and course a�er the
event picking up event related waste