Rotary Environment 1090 - Magazine - Page 35
School projects from the Clubs:
Henley Rotary Club
Donates Recycling Bins
to Gillotts School.
2nd March 2023
Henley’s Rotary Club has
donated three large green
recycling bins to Gillotts
school as part of its
worldwide environment
campaign. The bins were
“unveiled” at the school on
Tuesday at an assembly in
which two pupil members of
Gillotts Eco committee
- Harry Waldron and Isaac Urch — explained to their
peers how the bins were to be used and why. Eco
committee organiser and teacher Alison Michael then
joined Rotarian's Phil Fletcher, Jeremy Gaunt, and Jane
Bertelli to show o昀昀 and demonstrate the bins during
lunch break in the school quadrangle. The bins were
adorned with an explanatory poster drawn by pupil Lyla
Massie from a competition that she won.
“Rotary is particularly keen to involve young people in
its environmental campaigns,” Ms Bertelli, a local potter
who deals with youth issues for the the local Rotary,
said. “Starting young to protect the planet is key to
stopping and reversing the damage that is being done. It
is so important for children to recycle in order reduce