Rotary Environment 1090 - Magazine - Page 33
Our young people are our future and if we can
enlighten them to the curse of One Trip Plastic and
the damage it is doing to the planet. If we can train
them to be responsible for recycling and disposal of
non recyclable plastic perhaps we can bring the blight
of plastic in the Rivers and Oceans to an end.
Is it their older brothers and sisters that clog the
verges and hedge rows with their rubbish when they
chuck their empty cans, bottles and fast food
packaging out of their car on their way home from
work or a night out.
Most Rotary Clubs have existing working
relationships with schools through Rotary Youth
competitions, Young Enterprise, reading with
children, some schools are already involved in the
PlasticBlitz so let's build on our great relationship
with the school on Environmental projects?
Get them actively involved in the PlasticBlitz and
other environmental projects. Build on your
relationship with the schools, you must have the
schools total cooperation and any necessary
clearance. Think what could be done, Make an
assembly presentation or better still give the young
people the tools and training to make their own
presentation to the school. Help in setting-up an Eco
Club, help organise competitions or events Organize a competition to design a poster for rubbish
bins that perhaps your club could donate. A
competition to develop a Stop Littering advert and or