DNM SYLLABUS & PROGRAM OUTLINE (2) - Flipbook - Page 16
From the Rockwell Academic Catalog: Academic honesty is a
cornerstone of the educational community; therefore:
Students and graduate providers are expected to live by professional
and academic honesty standards as they pertain to the school and
the online community in socials and practice.
Let9s review them.
It9s important for students and graduates to acknowledge sources used
for completing content or in writing when working in their field of
practice. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty.
Copying another person9s work or referencing it without citation is
unethical and can ruin professional reputations.
Plagiarism may be any of the following:
1. verbatim copying without proper source(s) documentation
2. paraphrasing without proper documentation of the
3. unacknowledged appropriation of information or ideas from
someone else
Never risk unintentional plagiarism, as it hurts the person who originated
it the most. You would never want anyone to copy your child's work, so
we should never copy another's original work.
However, taking inspiration, building on it, and re-interpreting it all with
due credit is okay.
rockwell school of functional & holistic medicine| page 15