RWL-CSR-Report-use-mail - Flipbook - Page 37
Digital Innovation Investment
tracting large projects use MyRiwal to locate the
Digitalisation has always been a big priority for
machines across the project and fully utilise them
Riwal. We know that digital innovation will be a
by transferring them from (sub)contractor to (sub)
critical component for successfully delivering a
contractor. This will also ensure minimal transport
low-carbon future environment and high-quality
customer service. With our digitised solutions, we
• This year, we released My Riwal 2.0. We have
aim to create a better customer experience. The fol-
made significant improvements in the aspects
lowing digital innovation investment are available to
of user experience. We adopted a more user-
our customers:
friendly design which allows customers to
• Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an impor-
more easily rent, re-rent, and off-rent machines.
tant tool that allows customers to model physical
Furthermore, features such as downloading
objects such as buildings, machines, furniture,
machine documentation and tracking machine
landscaping, and more. BIM is increasingly used
by our rental customers as it simulates a con-
more visually; in this way, users can monitor their
struction project and helps them reduce project
usage actively. Check out this video for more de-
• The MyRiwal customer portal gives CO2 emissions information to allow customers to compare
electric and diesel machine consumption, encouraging sustainable choices. Customers con-